employee experience
in the Microsoft 365 environment

Roll out tools that connect your talents and facilitate internal communication and knowledge sharing.

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Why choose Mozzaik365 for your Digital Workplace?

Add-in SharePoint

Create your Digital Workplace with Mozzaik365

Mozzaik365 is a SharePoint Online extension that allows you to create collaborative intranets. Engage your employees with rich and functional communication, collaboration and knowledge management spaces

Teams Application

Create and customize your Dashboards in Microsoft Teams with MODA

MODA makes it easy to create customized Teams Dashboards. Centralize communications and business tools in clear, customizable spaces that can be accessed directly in Microsoft Teams.

Meet your business challenges

Reviews from our customers and partners

Our customers talk about us

"Freyssinet was looking for a knowledge management solution to create an internal tool that helps the business to share information within the company. The Mozzaik365 solution allowed us to easily create and organize our wikis, and make them available in sections with an efficient search engine and available on mobile devices. Mozzaik365 brings real value to Modern SharePoint, and we regularly use the product's new features to enhance our business space."

Bertrand Robiquet

Knowledge Manager

"AccorInvest is an investor and owner-operator of Accor-managed hotels. Following our separation from Accor, we had to completely recreate our digital environment. The first version of the intranet was implemented in one month with Mozzaik365. Our past experiences with SharePoint had made us very wary at the beginning of the project, but the combination of Modern SharePoint and Mozzaik365 is quite simple and intuitive. It was a real surprise. Today, we can even say that we are having a blast since we are working in a test & learn mode and are continuously evolving our intranet with the new Mozzaik365 components."

Stéphanie Lausecker


"Freyssinet was looking for a knowledge management solution to create an internal tool that helps the business to share information within the company. The Mozzaik365 solution allowed us to easily create and organize our wikis, and make them available in sections with an efficient search engine and available on mobile devices. Mozzaik365 brings real value to Modern SharePoint, and we regularly use the product's new features to enhance our business space."

Bertrand Robiquet

Knowledge Manager

Our certifications

ISO 27001

Microsoft Partner

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